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Sports Bicycle


Our Club Racing
Members from all clubs are invited to join us in our shared passion-racing!
Race entries via EntryBoss 
Proof of a current Race All Disciplines membership with Auscycling is required to race.
Update your membership with the club Link to Race All Disciplines
Not raced before and want to give crit racing a try, you can take out a 4 week trial membership Link to 4 Week Trial 
You will need the following equipment: roadworthy road bike, Australian approved helmet, cycling kit or close-fitting garments with shoulders covered.

Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport
The Victorian State Government has recently written a “Code of Conduct for Community Sport”, which we are bound to follow. Please see below for the summary, and the “Code of Conduct” itself.

Further information, including a video, is available on the “Code of Conduct” website.

Introduction into the Code of Conduct
“Every person in Victoria has the right to participate in community sport which is safe, welcoming and inclusive. Equally everyone plays a part in ensuring their actions and behaviours are supportive of these values.

“As part of this Agenda, the Government is committed to enabling every person, in any capacity, to have the opportunity to participate in community sport without fear of abuse, intimidation and harassment.

“The Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport outlines behaviours which are expected to be followed by every person involved in community sport, as well as identifying the behaviours which must not be tolerated.

“Acts of violence, discrimination and vilification are illegal acts within Victoria. It is a club’s responsibility to not only report these to the appropriate legal authorities but to ensure these acts are not tolerated by the sport or club.”

Code of Conduct
“Every person: spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport, should work to ensure:

inclusion of every person regardless of their age, gender or sexual orientation
inclusion of every person regardless of their race, culture or religion
opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential
respect is shown towards others, the club and the broader community
a safe and inclusive environment for all
elimination of violent and abusive behaviour
protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.
This Code applies to community sport, training and club sanctioned activities.”

Breaches of the code (e.g. violent or abusive behaviour, discrimination or intimidation) will be dealt with in accordqance with the Cycling Australia Code of Conduct and CCCC’s Rules for Racing.

Cycling Australia Code of Conduct
All members of CCCC are bound by the Cycling Australia Code of Conduct, which is reproduced below. For current details of the rules designed to eliminate illegal and performance enhancing drug use in sport – which includes restrictions on common medications like Ventolin inhalers – book mark the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority website at

The purpose of the Code of Conduct (Code) is to describe the type of behaviour which Cycling Australia (CA) is seeking to promote and encourage its members and supporters to adopt.


The code shall be known as Cycling Australia’s Code of Conduct. The Code shall govern the conduct of all persons formally associated with cycling within Australia. In particular, it shall apply to:

2.1. Persons acting for and on behalf of CA.

2.2. Athletes, coaches, managers and support staff of CA.

2.3. Persons participating in CA sanctioned events.

2.4. Officials, Commissaires and support personnel assisting or conducting CA events.

2.5. CA appointed Delegates and employees of CA.


3.1. CA wishes to operate in an environment where people show respect for others and their property. Respect is defined as consideration for another’s physical and emotional well being and possessions, to ensure no damage or deprivation is caused to either.

3.2. CA wishes to operate in an environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as any action directed at an individual or group that creates a hostile, intimidatory or offensive environment. Refer to ASC Guidelines for Harassment-Free Sport.

3.3. CA wishes to operate in a non-discriminatory environment. Respect the right, dignity and worth of every human being – within the context of the activity, treat everyone equally regardless of gender, ethnic origin or religion.

3.4. Persons to whom this Code applies acknowledge and agree to comply with the disciplinary and grievance procedures promulgated by CA. If any disciplinary action is taken, persons directly affected shall be given the opportunity to participate in those proceedings and the right to appeal against any decision against them.


All persons who are bound by this code shall:

Act in a manner which is compatible with the interests of CA;
Accord people involved in cycling with the appropriate courtesy, respect and regard for their rights and obligations;
Treat people’s property with respect and due consideration of its value;
Show a positive commitment to CA’s policies, rules, procedures, guidelines and agreements;
Respect the law and customs of the places they visit;
Respect the confidentiality of information which they receive in the course of fulfilling their duties;
Uphold the standing and reputation of cycling within Australia;
Not misuse provided funds or property belonging to another party; and
Observe and comply with the Anti Doping Rules set out in the CA Doping Policy.


This list provides examples of behaviour deemed to be unsuitable and not in the best interests of the sport.

‘Sledging’ other athletes, officials or event organisers. Sledging is defined as a statement that is deemed to denigrate and/or intimidate another person, or behaviour likely to constitute emotional abuse.
Excessive use of alcohol, acting in a way that becomes a public nuisance, or creating a public disturbance.
Damaging another person’s property or depriving them of that property.
Sexual relations between an appointed official and a junior athlete (under the age of consent), irrespective of the wishes and desires of the athlete. In all other cases such relations are strongly discouraged.
Any physical contact with athletes shall be appropriate to the situation and be necessary for the further development of the athlete’s skill.
The use or encouragement of the use banned substances. (The banned substance list is as outlined under CA’s AntiDoping Policy.)
Statements which are deemed to denigrate the group that an individual is representing.
Any type of gambling, betting or organisation of betting at any cycling event, while competing, officiating or undertaking a management role.
Any form of harassment.

CCCC Rules for Racing

All participants in CCCC events are bound by these rules, which are designed to be read in conjuction with the CA Code of Conduct. Following this document are some specific regulations relating to additional rules which apply during Criterium (Crit) racing at Sandown, Glenvale or any other venue:


The purpose of these Rules is to allow participants and officials to take part in racing which is safe, enjoyable and complies with the Cycling Australia Code of Conduct.


The Code shall govern the conduct of all persons formally associated with racing conducted by CCCC. In particular, it shall apply to:

2.1. Persons participating in CCCC events.

2.2. Officials, Commissaires and support personnel assisting or conducting events.


3.1. These rules are designed to increase participation in events conducted by CCCC, and ensure continued access to the various circuits and venues made available to CCCC for conducting races.

3.2. Persons to whom these rules apply acknowledge and agree to comply with the disciplinary and grievance procedures promulgated by CCCC. If any disciplinary action is taken, persons directly affected shall be given the opportunity to participate in those proceedings and the right to appeal against any decision against them.


All persons who are bound by these rules shall:

Act in a manner which is compatible with the Cycling Australia Code of Conduct;
Treat the event venue and venue employees with courtesy and respect;
Park vehicles only in the areas designated by CCCC;
Make use only of proper toilet facilities designated by CCCC. Any breach of this rule will be treated as a Serious Offence;
Ensure all rubbish is taken from the venues or placed in bins;
Comply with directions given by Officials, Commissaires and support personnel assisting or conducting events;
Not ride in an aggressive, erratic or unpredictable manner which would result in other competitors having to take evasive action;
Allow faster bunches to overtake without taking pace from them;
Pass slower bunches on the right;
Produce a current Cycling Australia License or receipt at the point of entry;
Return racing numbers promptly after completing racing;
Not warm up on the racing circuit while other races are in progress;
Exit the racing circuit immediately after completing a race to avoid interfering with other bunches;
Observe the centre line rule on open road circuits; and
Report falls, injuries or dangerous incidents to the Commissaire.


This list sets out the scale of penalties which apply to breaches of the Rules. Monetary fines may be imposed in addition to the penalties noted below.

1st Offence:
Disqualification, formal warning and probation period.

2nd Offence:
Disqualification and two week suspension from racing. Please note that the enforcement of these rules is supported by CycleSport Victoria and any suspension applies to all Cycling Australia sanctioned events.

3rd Offence:
Disqualification and four week suspension from racing.

Subsequent Offences:
The length of suspension will increase by two weeks for each subsequent offence.

Serious Offences:
Blatant and willful disregard of the rules, or deliberate conduct which endangers the safety of other participants will not attract a warning. Such offences will be punished with disqualification and suspension.

Updated February 2005

Criterium Racing Rules

CCCC’s crits are the biggest game in town. We’re renowned for professionally run, fun and safe races, with a grading system that ensures riders compete at a level that is both challenging for their fitness and suitable for their level of experience.

Important information to all riders


Every rider must have a current Cycling Australia or UCI competitive license, or purchase a day license or 3 race license. Riders will be expected to produce their license, club receipt or email confirmation of on-line renewals at the entry table each time they race.

$50 and $100 notes and silver coins can not be accepted at the entry table

Entry fees are used to pay prizemoney to the top finishers in each grade. We are not a bank, and providing change from large denomination notes (regardless of how many people you want to pay for) means we will not have enough smaller notes left to divide the entry pool into the 30 or so prizes that are awarded at each race. We also do not have the time to discuss this policy on race day, so please come prepared – auto tellers do distribute $20 notes!


On race day, no changes can be considered to a rider’s allocated grade due to the number of riders we need to process in the short period of time before each race. Riders who believe they are no longer competitive in their current grade should write to or email the Chief Handicapper, , outlining their case a couple of days ahead of time.

Safety Focus

The safety of riders, officials and members of the public is paramount at all times. On road circuits like Glenvale Crescent, extensive traffic control measures are employed to minimize conflict with other road users, but all riders must be aware that these races are conducted on public roads and be prepared to yield to motorists or pedestrians at any time.

All directions from course marshals and race officials must be immediately followed without question.

All participants are expected to be familiar with CCCC’s Rules for Racing and the Cycling Australia Code of Conduct. We expect all competitors to show respect and courtesy towards all other riders, officials and volunteers.

During racing, in addition to the officials observing from the side lines, CCCC utilize riding marshals and commissaires (cycling’s referees) within bunches to ensure all riders compete in a fair and safe way.

Directions from marshals and commissaires must be immediately followed without question – failure to comply can result in the Chief Commissaire imposing monetary fines and suspensions in addition to disqualification from the race.

During racing, in addition to the normal technical regulations that cover racing, the following rules apply, and breaches of these rules will attract penalties from the Chief Commissaire:

Riders are to maintain a straight course where possible and keep to the left side of the circuit unless overtaking a slower bunch.
Riders may not deviate from their line unless their back wheel is well clear of the front wheel of riders following behind or to either side – i.e. you must not cut another rider off when overtaking or attacking.
Riders should not attempt to improve their position in corners, in particular by diving up the inside of the bunch. Riders are expected to follow the line set by the bunch through corners whenever it is safe to do so.
Riders must not strike the road surface with their pedals while cornering.
Riders who leave the racing circuit proper, which include ‘ripple strips’ at Sandown, may not improve their position within the bunch.
Both hands are to be kept on the handlebars, unless a rider is taking a drink. Unfortunately, this also means that victory salutes are banned.
Any rider involved in a fall must report to the Chief Commissaire or entry table officals to have the details of their accident recorded, regardless of whether they require first aid treatment.
Riders must not gain assistance from riders from any other grade on the circuit at the same time.
Lapped riders must withdraw from the circuit at ‘3 to go’ or when directed by officials.
Helmets must be worn at all times you are riding your bike – this includes warming up and cooling down on either roads, carparks and footpaths.

Sandown Racing Rules

By entering the Sandown complex, all riders and spectators agree to comply with the following rules, which are in addition to CCCC’s Rules for Racing and the Cycling Australia Code of Conduct.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We may only enter the Sandown complex from the Princes Highway.

ALL cars, officials and bike riders on both a Tuesday and Thursday nights must now enter the complex via the Princes Highway, melways ref 80 D 7. The Sandown road entrancewill be CLOSED to all traffic.

Other than the access road, car park, toilet block, registration pit garage, pit lane and the grassed area between pit lane and the racing circuit, all other areas are off limits to both riders and spectators. THIS INCLUDES THE GRANDSTAND AND SURROUNDING GRASSED AREAS, AND THE ROOF OF THE PIT BUILDINGS.
Only riders who have registered and paid to race, and are displaying their race number, are allowed on the racing circuit once it has been declared open by CCCC officials. No spectators are permitted on the racing circuit.
Toilet facilities are provided at the southern end of the car park. Failure to use the proper facilities will incur a $100 fine and 6 month suspension from all forms of racing.
Any instruction from a CCCC or Sandown official must be immediately followed.
No dogs are permitted within the complex, due to horse racing quarantine regulations.
Riders must present a current Cycling Australia license or receipt in order to register. Day licenses and 3 Ride licenses will be available.
$50 and $100 notes WILL NOT be accepted at the entry table.
Silver coins WILL NOT be accepted at the entry table.
Riders will be registered only in the grade determined by the Handicapper. Applications to change grade WILL NOT be considered on race day. All requests to change grade must be made at least 24 hours prior to a race, in writing or by email.
Note: this information is by no means exhaustive, and may be amended from time to time. If you any questions regarding the conduct of CCCC races, racing rules or etiquette, please do not hesitate speak with any of our marshals or race officials

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